Peter Haschke


Contact Information

Peter Haschke
Dept. of Political Science
207 Zageir Hall, CPO 1940
One University Heights
University of North Carolina, Asheville
Asheville, NC 28804


Some unstructured posts of mine can be found here.

About this Website

This site is put together with jekyll and edited with Sublime Text 3. The color palette is based on Solarized: Precision colors for machines and people. I use knitr to weave R code and graphics into this website, knitcitations for citations, and HIGHLIGHT.JS for syntax highlighting.


All original content you see on this website is licensed by Peter Haschke under the Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC BY-SA 3.0), unless otherwise noted. As is proper scholarly practice, please remember that attribution and citation are appreciated where and whenever appropriate.